Ingeniero Agrónomo, M.Sc., Ph. D.
Oscar Balocchi es Profesor Titular de la Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias y Alimentarias de la Universidad Austral de Chile (UACh).
Es Ingeniero Agrónomo de la Universidad Austral de Chile, posteriormente se especializó en producción y manejo de praderas en Gran Bretaña, obteniendo su grado de magíster en la Universidad de Reading y de doctor en la Universidad de Gales.
Tanto en su actividad docente como de investigación ha estado siempre vinculado a la utilización de praderas en producción de leche, participando permanentemente en proyectos de investigación vinculados al medio, con especial énfasis en el último tiempo en los temas de manejo del pastoreo. Eso por ello, que ha conducido y colaborado en proyectos financiados por Foncecyt, Fondef, FIA, entre otros.
Es responsable de asignaturas de pregrado como Manejo de Praderas y de postgrado como Fisiología de la Producción y Utilización de Forrajes y Utilización y Evaluación de Recursos Forrajeros, entre otras y además colabora en otras asignaturas.
Agronomist, M.Sc., Ph.D.
Oscar Balocchi is an Associate Professor at the Institute of Animal Production, Faculty of Agricultural and Food Sciences, Universidad Austral de Chile (UACh).
He received his Bachelor’s degree from Universidad Austral de Chile. He later specialised in grassland production and management, obtaining his M.Sc. from the University of Reading (England) and his Ph.D. from the University of Wales (Wales).
Both his teaching and research activities have always been linked to the management of pastures for milk production, permanently participating in research projects related to the environment, recently with special emphasis on grazing management issues. He has led and collaborated in projects financed by Foncecyt, Fondef, and FIA, among others.
He is responsible for teaching the subjects of Grassland Management at undergraduate level while at postgraduate level he teaches Physiology of Forage Production and Utilisation and Utilisation and Evaluation of Forage Resources. He also collaborates with other subjects.
Research Gate:
Web of Science ResearcherID: C-8625-2015
Línea de Investigación (Graphical Abstract)
Piña, L., Balocchi, O., Keim, J. P., Pulido, R. & Rosas, F. (2020). Pre-grazing herbage mass affects grazing behavior, herbage disappearance, and the residual nutritive value of a pasture during the first grazing session. Animals, 10(2), 212.
Calvache, I., Balocchi, O., Alonso, M., Keim, J. P. & López, I. (2020). Thermal time as a parameter to determine optimal defoliation frequency of perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.) and pasture brome (Bromus valdivianus Phil.). Agronomy, 10(5), 620.
Merino, M., Balocchi, O. & Pulido, R. (2019). Pasture condition and milk production by grazing dairy cows as affected by daily herbage-allowance restriction. Animal Production Science, 59(8), 1510-1519.
Rivero, M. J., Balocchi, O., Moscoso, C., Siebald, J., Neumann, F., Meyer, D. & Lee, M. (2019). Does the "high sugar" trait of perennial ryegrass cultivars express under temperate climate conditions? Grass and Forage Science, 74, 496-508.
Loaiza, P., Balocchi, O. & Bertrand, A. (2017). Carbohydrate and crude protein fractions in perennial ryegrass as affected by defoliation frequency and nitrogen application rate. Grass and Forage Science, 72(3), 556-567.
FONDECYT Regular 1180767 (2018-2021). Agricultural value of Bromus valdivianus Phil. as a pasture species. Investigador Responsable.
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