Ingeniero Agrónomo, Dr. sc. agr.
José Dörner es Profesor Titular de la Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias y Alimentarias de la Universidad Austral de Chile. Además, forma parte del Centro de Investigación en Suelos Volcánicos de la UACh.
Estudió Agronomía en la Universidad de la Austral de Chile y se especializó en física de suelos en la Universidad de Cristian Albrechts de Kiel (Alemania), donde obtuvo el grado de Doctor de Ciencias Agrarias.
Sus principales interés en investigación están asociados al estudio del comportamiento físico de los suelos derivados de cenizas volcánicas bajo un amplio rango de uso. En ese contexto, ha estudiado: i) como se puede mejorar la función de almacén de agua del suelo por medio del manejo y conservación de la estructura del suelo, ii) el efecto del pastoreo sobre la resistencia mecánica del suelo y iii) como el cambio de uso de suelos Ñadi afecta el transporte de agua, aire y calor en el perfil.
Es responsable de asignaturas como recursos naturales, física de suelos y funciones del suelo en los ecosistemas. Además, colabora en laboratorio de suelos y agua y en hidrología de suelos. Desde el 2006 a formado estudiantes de pregrado, magister, doctorado y postdoctorado.
Agronomist, Dr. sc. agr.
José Dörner is an Associate Professor at the Institute of Agricultural Engineering and Soils, Faculty of Agricultural and Food Sciences, Universidad Austral de Chile (UACh). He is also a member of the Research Center on Volcanic Ash Soils at UACh.
He received his Bachelor’s degree from Universidad Austral de Chile and specialised in Soil Physics at the Cristian Albrechts University of de Kiel, Germany, where he obtained the degree of Doctor of Agricultural Sciences.
His main research interests are related to the study of the physical behaviour of volcanic ash soils under a wide range of land uses. In this context, he has studied: i) how the soil's water storage function can be improved through the management and conservation of the soil structure, ii) the effect of grazing on the mechanical strength and hydraulic properties of the soil, and iii) how the land use change of Ñadi affects the transport of water, air and heat in the profile.
He is responsible for teaching subjects such as Natural Resources, Soil Physics and Soil Functions in Ecosystems. In addition, he collaborates in the Laboratory for Soil and Water Analyses and Soil Hydrology. Since 2006, he has trained undergraduate, magister, doctorate and postdoctoral students.
Research Gate:
Web of Science ResearcherID: A-8589-2015
Línea de Investigación (Graphical Abstract)
Dörner, J., Horn, R., Uteau, D., Rostek, J., Zúñiga, F., Peth, S., Dec, D. & Fleige, H. (2020). Studying the soil pore physical resistance and resilience of a shallow volcanic ash soil subjected to pure cyclic loading. Soil and Tillage Research, 204, 104709.
Frene, C., Dörner, J., Zúñiga, F., Cuevas, J., Alfaro, F. & Armesto, J. (2020). Eco-hydrological functions in forested catchments of southern Chile. Ecosystems, 23, 307-323.
Ordóñez, I., López, I., Kemp, P., Descalzi, C., Horn, R., Zúñiga, F., Dec, D. & Dörner, J. (2018). Effect of pasture improvement managements on physical properties and water content dynamics of a volcanic ash soil in southern Chile. Soil and Tillage Research, 178, 55-64.
Descalzi, C., Balocchi, O., López, I., Kemp, P. & Dörner, J. (2018). Different soil structure and water conditions affect the growing response of Lolium perenne L. and Bromus valdivianus Phil. growing alone or in mixture. Journal of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, 18(3), 617-635.
Dörner, J., Dec, D., Thiers, O., Paulino, L., Zúñiga, F., Valle, S., Martínez, O. & Horn, R. (2016). Spatial and temporal variability of physical properties of Aquands under different land uses in southern Chile. Soil Use and Management, 32(3), 411-421.
Núcleo de Investigación VIDCA-UACH (2020 – 2023). Incendios y cambio climático: causas, impactos y resiliencia de los socio-ecosistemas en el Centro-Sur de Chile. Co-Investigador.
FONDECYT 1191057 (2019 – 2023). Assessing the effect of the physicochemical quality of a volcanic ash soil on pasture productivity and soil resilience capacity. Investigador Responsable.
CEHUM-2019-16 (2020 – 2021). GHG emission Unraveling the influence of anthropogenic intervention on bacterial communities and nutrient cycling related to from wetlands. Co-Investigador.
REDES180168 (2018 – 2020). An International Network for Studying the Physical Quality of Volcanic Ash Soils. Investigador Responsable.
FONDECYT 1181515 (2018 – 2022). Irrigation of pasture systems on volcanic ash soils in southern Chile: effects on pasture productivity, water use efficiency and soil structure dynamics. Co-Investigador.
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