Ingeniero Agrónomo, M. Sc., Ph. D.
El Dr. Mauricio González Chang, es Profesor Auxiliar de la Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias y Alimentarias de la Universidad Austral de Chile (UACh).
Obtuvo su título de Ingeniero Agrónomo y su grado de Magíster en Ciencias del Suelo en la Universidad Austral de Chile. Posteriormente, efectuó un PhD en Ecología en Lincoln University en Canterbury, Nueva Zelanda, cuya tesis permitió a viticultores neozelandeses disminuir o eliminar (en algunos casos) la aplicación de pesticidas para control de un escarabajo fitófago endémico (Costelytra zealandica White).
Sus áreas de trabajo y especialización son la agroecología y entomología, con énfasis hacia entender las dinámicas e interacciones insecto-planta-suelo, desde un enfoque aplicado al control de plagas y malezas mediante un aumento en la biodiversidad funcional presente en agroecosistemas.
Imparte las siguientes asignaturas: Ecología agrícola, Malherbología, Agricultura Sustentable, entre otras asociadas con sistemas agrícolas diversificados.
Agronomist, M.Sc., Ph.D.
Mauricio González Chang works at the Institute of Plant Health and Production, Faculty of Agricultural and Food Sciences, Universidad Austral de Chile (UACh).
He obtained his Bachelor’s degree as well as his M.Sc. in Soil Sciences from the Universidad Austral de Chile. He completed a Ph.D. in Ecology at Lincoln University, New Zealand, and the outcome of his work allowed the reduction or, in some cases, the elimination of pesticide applications in New Zealand vineyards to control the herbivorous endemic scarab Costelytra zealandica White.
His research interests include agroecology and entomology, focusing on the understanding of insect-plant-soil interactions and dynamics, using an applied pest and weed control perspective through the enhancement of the functional biodiversity already present in the agroecosystems.
He currently teaches the following modules: Agricultural Ecology, Weed Control, and Sustainable Agriculture, amongst others related to diversified agriculture systems.
Research Gate:
Web of Science ResearcherID: AAG-3600-2020
Línea de Investigación (Graphical Abstract)
Wyckhuys, K., González-Chang, M., Adriani, E., Albaytar, A., Albertini, A., Ávila, G., Beltran, M., Boreros, A., Fanani, M., Nguyen, D., Nguyen, G., Nurkomar, I., & Tiwari, S. (2020). Delivering on the promise of biological control in Asia’s food systems: A Humboldtian perspective. Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems, 4, 140.
González-Chang, M., Wratten, S. D., Shields, M. W., Costanza, R., Dainese, M., Gurr, G. M., Johnson, J., Karp, D. S., Ketelaar, J. W., Nboyine, J., Pretty, J., Rayl, R., Sandhu, H., Walker, M., & Zhou, W. (2020). Understanding the pathways from biodiversity to agro-ecological outcomes: A new, interactive approach. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment, 301, 107053.
Bravo, S., González-Chang, M., Dec, D., Valle, S., Wendroth, O., Zúñiga, F. & Dörner, J. (2020). Using wavelet analyses to identify temporal coherence in soil physical properties in a volcanic ash-derived soil. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 285-286, 107909.
González-Chang, M., Tiwari, S., Sharma, S. & Wratten, S. (2019). Habitat management for pest management: Limitations and Prospects. Annals of the Entomological Society of America, 112(4), 302-317.
FONDECYT 1221328 (2022-2025). Landscape and farm scale drivers of natural enemy resources and the effect on insect biological control. Co-investigador.
FONDECYT 1221593 (2022-2024). Quantifying forest structural complexity and its relationship with precipitation, productivity, biodiversity and ecological processes in managed and unmanaged Nothofagus pumilio forests in Patagonia. Co-investigador.
IDeA-FONDEFF IT21I0028 (2022-2023). Desarrollo de sistemas silviculturales ecológicos para la mitigación del cambio climático, recuperación de la biodiversidad y generación de productos maderables en plantaciones dominadas por Nothofagus dombeyi y Nothofagus alpina. Co-investigador.
European Cooperation in Science and Technology OC-2021-1-25363 (2022-2025). Towards zero pesticide agriculture: European network for sustainability. Co-Investigador
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