Dorota Dec

Dipl. Ing. Protección Ambiental, Dr. Sc. Agr.


Dorota Dec es Profesora Asociada de la Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias y Alimentarias de la Universidad Austral de Chile (UACh). Además, forma parte de Centro de Investigación en Suelos Volcánicos (CISVo), Sociedad Chilena de Ciencias de Suelo, Comité de Riego de Consorcio Lechero y Red de Especialistas en Recursos Hídricos CRUCH.


Realizó sus estudios de Ingeniero y Magister en Protección Ambiental en la Universidad Técnica de Lublin en Polonia. Posteriormente, se especializó en física de suelos en la Universidad de Cristian Albrechts de Kiel (Alemania), obteniendo el grado de Doctor de Ciencias Agrarias.


Es responsable de asignaturas como Riego y Drenaje y diseño de Riego y Drenaje entre otras en donde colabora.


Su línea de investigación tiene como objetivo estudiar el uso eficiente del agua en la Agricultura, considerando suelo como almacén del agua. Eso por ello, que ha conducido y colaborado en proyectos financiados por CONICYT, FONDECYT, FIC, FIA entre otros.

Dipl. Ing. Environmental Protection, Dr. Sc. Agr.


Dorota Dec is an Associate Professor at the Institute of Agricultural Engineering and Soils, Faculty of Agricultural and Food Sciences, Universidad Austral de Chile (UACh). She is presently a member of the Volcanic Soil Research Center (CISVo), the Chilean Society of Soil Science, the Consorcio Lechero Irrigation Committee, and the CRUCH Network of Water Resources Specialists.


She obtained her Bachelor’s degree and Master in Environmental Protection from the Technical University of Lublin, Poland. Later, she specialised in Soil Physics at the Christian Albrechts University, Germany, earning the degree of Doctor of Agricultural Sciences.


She is responsible for teaching the subjects of Irrigation and Drainage and Design of Irrigation and Drainage (agricultural), also collaborating with other subjects.


Her current research interests include the efficient use of water in Agriculture, considering soil as a water reservoir. She has led and collaborated in projects financed by CONICYT, FONDECYT, FIC, and FIA among others.



Research Gate:

Web of Science ResearcherID: D-2676-2015

Línea de Investigación (Graphical Abstract)

Dörner, J., Horn, R., Uteau, D., Rostek, J., Zúñiga, F., Peth, S., Dec, D. & Fleige, H. (2020). Studying the soil pore physical resistance and resilience of a shallow volcanic ash soil subjected to pure cyclic loading. Soil and Tillage Research, 204, 104709.


Bravo, S., González-Chang, M., Dec, D., Valle, S., Wendroth, O., Zúñiga, F., Dörner, J. (2020). Using wavelet analyses to identify temporal coherence in soil physical properties in a volcanic ash-derived soil. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 285-286, 107909.


Órdóñez, I., López, I., Kemp, P., Descalzi, C., Horn, R., Zuñiga, F., Dec, D. & Dörner, J. (2018). Effect of pasture improvement managements on physical properties and water content dynamics of a volcanic ash soil in southern Chile. Soil and Tillage Research, 178, 55-64.


Dörner, J., Horn, R., Dec, D., Wendroth, O., Fleige, H. & Zúñiga, F. (2017). Land use dependent change of soil mechanical strength and resilience of a shallow volcanic ash soil in southern Chile. Soil Science Society of America Journal, 81(5), 1064-1073.


Dec, D., Zúniga, F., Thiers, O., Paulino, L., Valle, S., Villagra, V., Tadich, I., Horn, R. & Dörner, J. (2017). Water and temperature dynamics of Aquands under different uses in southern Chile. Journal of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, 17(1), 141-154.

FONDECYT 1191057 (2019-2023).  Assessing the effect of the physicochemical quality of a volcanic ash soil on pasture productivity and soil resilience capacity. Coinvestigador